Thursday, September 15, 2011

3 Leaves...

Since our number of the week is 3, I really wanted to incorporate another activity to mesh that with our theme!  We have talked about leaves, but now I wanted Abbie to see leaves!  The plan was to take her outside and let her explore and find leaves, but the day sort of got away from me!  So, during Abbie's nap time I went out and found 3 different leaves that were all similar in shape, but very different!  They felt different and looked different!  I thought she would like touching them... but she wasn't really into classroom today!  In fact... she wasn't really into anything today!  She fussed most of the morning, and woke up from nap in a bad mood too.  It's ok... I have those days too!  But we went ahead with classroom, even with grumpy Abbie!

Circle time wasn't near as much as it usually is!  She didn't want to sing or dance or clap!  She wanted nothing more than to sit there and cry!  It was sort of odd, because she sat down in the pillow herself, and never got up, so I am not really sure what the upsetting part was!  Mommy didn't force her to do this, but she cried anyways!  We didn't read a story because after crying through circle time... Mommy couldn't take anymore!  So, we went straight to activity!

Well, she usually loves doing her activity, but since it didn't involve coloring... she wasn't very pleased with me!  We counted the leaves together, and I let her touch them and feel how different they are.  Then I put tape on the back and let her stick them down.  Although when I asked her to stick them down, she said "NO" in a very mean voice!  So I really did the majority of it myself!  As you can see... her lip was out most of the afternoon!!

I guess everyone has this kind of day at some point!  If not, then maybe Abbie hit her terrible 2 phase at 19 months!!!  I am hoping it is the first option!  I hung up her art... but she didn't seem proud of excited like usual either!  She was just off today, and hopefully tomorrow will be better.


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