Friday, September 2, 2011

A Bunch of Bananas

For Friday's lesson, I thought I would make it a little more hands on!  Layla was still visiting us, but her mom, Stacy, was intrigued by our preschool routine, and wanted to see how we run the "class"!  So, we did our usual circle time... The Good Morning Song, The Days of the Week Song, The Days of the Week in Spanish Song, and the ABCs!  The girls did great in circle time, we all clapped along to the songs, and Abbie danced!  She gets so excited about our lesson each day, we call it "classroom"!  I will say, "Abbie, are you ready for classroom?", and she will run over to the pillow where we sit for circle time, and start dancing!  So, she danced for us, and Layla & Stacy clapped along!  We read of nursery rhyme for the day which was Jack & Jill, and the girls both took turns pointing at the pictures in the book! 
Our craft had NOTHING to do with our nursery room, but everything to do with our letter of the week, Bb!  I printed out a sheet that had 4 bananas on it, and had the girls color the bananas yellow.  I cut out Abbie's bananas and Stacy cut out Layla's and we had them glue their "Bunch of Bananas" to Brown construction paper!  We made sure to go over the letter Bb and use the Ba sound!  The girls did VERY well repeating the Ba sound back!  When we would ask them to say Banana we didn't have as much success!  Both of the girls actually got "Nana" out, but that doesn't contain the letter of the week!  They did enjoy coloring, and I think Abbie really enjoyed having someone else be a part of our classroom time for a few days!  Her art display is full, and I think it looks great!  She pointed at it today and just smiled, so I am glad that I am hanging it up each week!
Now, it is time to get the next week's plans together and ready for next week's classroom experience!

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