Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Salute to Fire Fighters...

Since it was the last day of our 9/11 lesson plans, I thought we should definitely discuss the people that ran into the buildings that everyone else was running out of.  I wanted to discuss with Abbie how fire fighters are heroes, and we should be thankful that we have people such as them, to protect us!

We, as usual, started off the morning with circle time!  Abbie was very into it, and I just cant get enough of it!  I am sure everyone who reads this is thinking "you do circle time every day, why are you still talking about it???", but the answer is simple... LOOK AT THE PICTURE!  I laugh through the entire circle time, because she loves it so much!  I love to watch her dance and clap along to the 4 songs we sing!

I didnt really have an activity for Abbie to do today, as she is too young to trace and cut out patterns!  So, I put together a firefighter hat for Abbie from an online pattern and craft foam!  She liked holding it, and like throwing it like a frisbee, but putting it on her head... she didnt like so much!!!

 She cried until I took it off!  The hat is really too big, so I am not sure why she disliked it so much, but she was far from happy wearing it!

We said the pledge of allegiance again, and I caught a picture of Abbie putting her hand on her heart!

She is pointing to all of her artwork hanging on her art display!

This week's projects!

We are a HUGE fan of Crayola Color Wonder products... HUGE fan!!  
Since I didnt have an activity for her to do, I let her free color, which she would do all day, if I let her!

 All in all, I think our 9/11 Week was a success!  I know next year I will be able to really explain it more, and teach her a little bit about why the day is so important!  I am glad we paid tribute to it though, and we will continue to do so through Sunday... the 10 year anniversary of 9/11.  Its hard to believe it has been 10 years since that tragic day.  I was 16, and I had a hard time understanding why anyone would want to hurt that many innocent people.  I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it.  But, in honor of our lesson today... I am truly thankful for the men and women who risk their lives everyday to save someone like me!


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